Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year Full of New Stuff

Happy New Year!  I do hope your Christmas and New Year's celebrations were both meaningful and full of fun.  Even though January 1st  is technically like any other day and our regular responsibilities and problems don't magically disappear, it still somehow feels fresh, new, and different.  At least for me it does.  My mind reviews the past year and its successes and failures and makes mental notes what to do, what not to do, and what needs tweaking. 

I've got loads of new supplies on my work table just screaming to be transformed into something exciting:

I've also got new show dates on the horizon that will give me the opportunity to show In Small Spectacles pieces in new venues, art shows, and states.  I'll update you on these very soon.

I am so very thankful for those of you who show an interest in my pieces and let me know how much you are enjoying them.  Here's to a great 2012!


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