Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Just In!

I would post more and I would make more jewelry, but I've been hammered with the usual end-of-the-school year activities and the very last preschool graduation *SNIFF*.  I would also blame it on the boys' soccer games and practices, but I would be lying as it's so gosh darn wet and muddy that the powers that be keep canceling everything on me.  I suppose it takes some time to keep up with what is still on and what has been cancelled, so I will use it as a legitimate excuse.

I've listed more items in the Etsy Shop, so slosh on over there and take a look.  Here's a sample:

This made it to an Etsy Treasury HERE

After things slow down I'll be making more, posting more, and moving the Studio to another space which will be bigger, have better light, and cable TV to keep me connected with the outside world while I'm knee-deep in glass and brass.

Enjoy this green Spring and all the relief in your water bill that free watering (aka RAIN) brings!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Yay!  Seriously.  Yay!  If you know me, you know I love music. Family, jewelry & other accessories, and music are some of my top passions. If you drop in on my life, I invariably have music on;  in the bathroom, in the car, in the kitchen, and always when I'm in my studio making jewelry.

One of my all-time favorites is Kate Bush;  2005's "Aerial" is truly a must for any music library.  So don't think I wasn't excited when I learned she is coming out with "Director's Cut," a compilation album of rerecorded songs from "The Sensual World" and "The Red Shoes."  It's available in Europe and UK now, but we in the US have to wait until the 23rd.  If you're willing to wait an extra week, here's the Amazon link.  For those of you who can't wait, however, iTunes is making it available tomorrow.

I am going to wait a week and preorder the hard copy on Amazon along with "Hounds of Love," which is being re released tomorrow.  I much prefer hard copies as I don't trust storing things only on a computer.  A year ago my older computer was dying a foreseeable death, so I copied all the info. (including thousands of music mp3's) onto an external hard drive....which died....two days later.  I am still trying to recover items I didn't have hard copies for.  Thank God for miracles, at least the pictures transferred.

Thought I'd share this bit of wonderfulness, and to tide you over, here's a link to a recent and rare BBC interview Kate gave about what we should expect from her in the future.

Happy Listening!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Treasury List

If you'll remember I wrote about the all-important Etsy Treasury a few weeks ago.  Here's the link if you didn't see it.  In Small Spectacles was included in a lovely Mother and Child Treasury today.  It is fun to see how someone includes a piece in a themed Treasury.  I also appreciate the creativity of others like those guitar pick earrings.  Love!

Check out this beautiful Treasury here.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Something Special for Someone Special

All of my boys have attended a local preschool since it first opened six years ago.  This will be our final year there, and let me tell you I am more than a little traumatized at the thought that I won't get to see these sweet ladies every week.  I have not one bad thing to say about the school.  Not.  One.  Thing.  Anyone who pours themselves into my children with as much love as they do are automatically Numero Uno in my book.  And I don't think they get paid hardly enough, if you don't count sweet 3 & 4 year old hugs and kisses which are really priceless if you ask me.

All of the teachers have been very encouraging of my jewelry and one asked me to make her something using a cow tag from her grandparents' farm.  Having never lived on or near a farm-come to think of it, I don't know if I've ever even seen a cow up close and in person- I had no idea what size a cow tag would be.  They are quite large and heavy and hers looked to be a solid material and showed such a lovely patina, paint included.

I thought shine and sparkle were in order and here's what I came up with. 

These pictures serve as a reminder to savor the time I have with my little ones while I can and not wish these years away because they go by at warp speed and take your heart along with them!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Featured Etsy Shop

"You walked in, I woke up
I've never seen a pretty girl look so tough
Baby, you've got that look"

I'd like to feature another Etsy seller with whom I have received excellent service and the item more than exceeded my expectations:  Art of Spirit Leatherworks, by Kathy Fowler.  I ordered this bracelet in both brown and black a couple of years ago, and LOVE IT! 

I have very small wrists, so I requested that the bracelet be a bit smaller than normal.  Actually, I think I just gave Kathy my wrist measurement and she figured out what size to make the bracelet.  It arrived quickly, especially considering it was made to order.  The bracelet is made from very heavy leather and embossed with a lovely vine design.  The double snap closure is super-strong. 

I wear this bracelet all the time with the pieces that I make, even other bracelets like this:

I love the toughness of the leather matched with the antique elements of my jewelry, the organic leather accenting the gleam of aged brass, sparkle of czech glass, and creaminess of glass and freshwater pearls.  It's like bohemian biker chic meets tea party;  everything rounds each other out rather nicely.  A great way to introduce edgy to your wardrobe. 

Leather is very popular now-I am seeing it everywhere-but I believe this is truly a better bang for your buck than the trendy ones at Target or Macy's that have flimsy leather and glued-on rhinestones.  I doubt you'd get two years of good wear out of those. 

Head on over to Aos Leather and tell them In Small Spectacles sent you!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Got Medal?

Whew!  Art Fest is over and I had a great two days.  Now it's time to focus on the next show and keep pushing myself to make new designs with new vintage elements. 

If you're not familiar with Greater Cincinnati, Newport on the Levee is a central point for entertainment, restaurants, comedy clubs, etc. It is also a point in the course for the annual Flying Pig Marathon.  I know several people who have run it and really enjoy the course.

As I was watching the runners trail into the Levee buildings-some looking a little more haggard then the others, but good for everyone for finishing!-I got to thinking about those medals they are given for finishing.  They have very large ribbons that serve as the necklace, so you wouldn't want to wear them other than the day of.  BUT, they would make wonderful focal points on necklaces strung along with vintage rhinestone and carved bone, czech glass and wood.  So if you have one of those well-earned medals, shoot me an e-mail and we'll put something together that is beautiful, more flexible for wearing, and memorable.  Celebrate your achievement!

"And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."  Hebrews 12:1


There's Still Time!

Get thee over to Art Fest tomorrow (Sunday, noon-6pm) if you have a chance.  I was able to walk around a few times and there are some awesome artisans-the collections are so unique and varied.  I even bought a fabric necklace made from upcycled textiles from another artist because I don't sew and well, it was uber-cool.  I am up in the Mezzanine by Dewey's Pizza and adjacent to Bar Louie.  There's a bench right across from me where all the husbands waited while their wives tried on my jewelry, so that worked out nicely. 

I love showing and explaining the pieces I make to others and I had my sweet friend Jessica to help, but whew, it gets tiring after 11 hours.  And to think that I did this every Saturday (13 hr. open/close) and Sunday and in the evenings in a fine jewelry store during college...in 3 inch heels... and still went out afterwards.  Ugh, what 20 years later does to you.

Stop by and say hello and take a look-see around the entire venue for gift ideas because Mother's Day is NEXT WEEK!

